Grundfos is now one of the world's leading pump manufacturers, with a very broad range of high quality pumps and accessories. Their centrifugal pumps are used for water supply, waste water, building services, boiler feed and general industry, while their dosing pumps are used in a variety of commercial and industrial applications. Pump & Machinery have a team of specialists with many years of experience of Grundfos. who can help with product selection and technical issues.
The company is based in Denmark and has production sites there and in 14 other countries. In addition to pumps, Grundfos develops and sells state-of-the-art electronics for monitoring and controlling pumps to ensure peak performance. Today hundreds of thousands of Grundfos pumps throughout the world use electronic speed control.
Quality is key in all Grundfos products. This implies a focus on construction, design and choice of materials and production processes, resulting in reliable, efficient products.
Pump & Machinery carry stocks of Grundfos pumps and we are also fortunate to be able to draw off local Grunfos stocks. Our service team is experienced in servicing and repairing all models.
Models that we offer include: Alpha2, AMD - AMG - AFG, APG BM, BMP, CIM / CIU, CM centrifugal, CM-PS, CME, Comfort, Conex, Conlift, Control MPC, CR Vertical Multistage, CUE, Digital Dosing DME - DMS - DDI, DP drainage pump, DPK submersible, DWK, EF Effluent pump, GO, JPA, JPB - JPC - JPD, SB & SBA submersible, Unilift CC, HS horizontal split case, Hydro MPC - Multi E, IO, Magna / UPE - 1 - 3, MTR / SPK / MTH / MTA multistage centrifugal, Multilift, NB / NBG / NBE / NBGE end suction, NK / NKG / NKE / NKGE, Oxiperm, PM, PM1 / PM2, PMC, RSI, S pump super vortex, SB submersible, Scala 2, SE - 1 - SL, SEG, SL, Sololift, SP, SQFlex, SQN compact borehole submersible, SRP, TP -TPE - TPE3 - TPE2, Unilift AP - KP, UPA and last but not least UPS